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Canine Communication Terms and Conditions

Canine Communication hereinafter known as “the Company” cannot make any guarantee regarding the outcome of any training/counseling program. The owner assumes full responsibility for the dog’s behavior during and after the training/counseling program. Owner Initial



The owner of the dog(s) may postpone any of the lessons provided twenty-four hours notice is given to the Company. Additional make up lessons may be purchased at $ 30 per lesson. The owner understands and agrees that failure to give the company twenty-four hours notice of a lesson cancellation will result in the Company counting said failure as a completed lesson with the full amount owed by the owner to the Company for said lesson.



The owner of the dog(s) may have the animal withdrawn from training at any time, however, once training has begun; all fees are non-refundable.



I, __________________ as the legal owner/agent of the abovementioned pet(s), having carefully read and fully understand this agreement, do hereby waive and release the Company and Elle Bee from any and all liability of any nature. I also do hereby waive and release the property owner at which training programs are to be held at from any and all liability of any nature. This includes any injury, death, sickness or damage my pet may suffer during or after any training program. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and Elle Bee from any and all claims due to damage the pet may cause to any family members of any third parties during or after training. The owner specifically acknowledges that they recognize the risk of taking a group class with other people and their dogs. This risk is entered into with the owner 100% responsible for their dog’s behavior at all times in the class environment.



The owner/agent will be responsible for purchasing all necessary equipment that the trainer recommends for training the dog(s).


In the event either party deems it necessary to employ legal counsel to protect its rights under this agreement, the prevailing party agrees to pay all expenses including, but not limited to costs and reasonable attorney’s fees.


This training agreement and Addendum A represents the full and only agreement between the parties. The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement cannot be modified or changed in any way unless agreed to by both parties in writing. I have read, fully understand and agree to the above contract terms.

Thanks for submitting!

@2020 Canine Communication

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