Doggy Daycare Policies & Procedures
Our number one goal is to keep every person and every dog safe. In order to do so the
Policies & Procedures are implemented and followed for all guests that use our facility. Please read the following information carefully.
Dogs must arrive and leave on a leash with the owner holding the leash until handing it over to daycare staff. It is required for the dogs to have a quick release collar on, with a name tag attached. The collar should not be too loose or too tight (3 finger rule works great!) Please know that dogs who potty on the outside portion of our premise or our neighbors premise owners must be picked up immediately. Failure to do so will result in a ban from all our services.
First Day
We require that you make an appointment for a meet and greet evaluation before your dog’s first day. This can be scheduled here or you can call to set this up at 989 884 2907. We do require your dog to arrive before 8 am on their first day. When dropping off your dog, we know that this can be nerve racking for you as well as your dog, and you want to stay and watch. Dogs will often behave differently when their owners are present vs when they are there by themselves, so we ask that you drop them off and leave shortly after. Staying and watching can cause stress for your dog and will make it more difficult for them to acclimate to the pack. For some dogs this can be an adjustment and they may become overstimulated more easily than our regular dogs. To help acclimate if we feel they are becoming overstimulated we may offer more break times to help them decompress. When you pick your dog up on the first day, we will give you a report card and discuss how they did for future daycare services.
Health and Vaccines
All dogs must be in good health. Owners will need to certify that their dog is in good health and have not been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days will require veterinarian certification of health to return to daycare. All dogs must be current on the following vaccinations: DHPP, Bordetella, Rabies (for dogs 6 months and older). Canine influenza is an optional vaccination per your vet’s recommendation. Proof of vaccines must be submitted prior to your dog's arrival. Failure to provide up to date vaccines will result in your dog not being able to attend daycare until records have been submitted. All dogs must be free of parasites, including fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites. We do ask that owners not apply flea preventative within 24 hours of bringing their dog to daycare for the safety of the other dogs and staff. Please let us know if your dog has any health issues that would impact their time in daycare. Examples include: injuries, recent surgery/stitches, skin conditions, illness, history of seizures, allergies, etc. We will do our best to accommodate any special health needs your dog may have. If your dog is showing signs of illness please do not bring your dog to daycare. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, coughing, or discharge from the eyes or nose may indicate an illness that could be contagious to other dogs. If your dog shows signs of illness while at daycare, we will remove them from the pack to a quiet area, and then alert you or your emergency contact. We allow unneutered dogs to play as long as this does not cause any disruptions within the pack. Should your dog begin to have behavior issues attached to this, they will not be able to attend daycare until they have been neutered. Intact females that go into heat will need to remain at home until their heat cycle has completed. Owners need to understand there are risks involved with bringing intact dogs to daycare and assume all responsibilities attached to this.
Dog Behavior
While daycare is great for many dogs, we are aware that this is not the environment for all dogs. Any dog attending daycare must have never shown any signs of aggression towards other dogs or people. All owners will need to certify that their dog has no history of aggression. As this is a training based daycare our staff works diligently to maintain a calm energy within the pack. We do not allow aggressive play, excessive barking, or dominant behavior. We understand that many dogs may be over-excited on their first day, and we will work with your dog to teach them our rules. Our pack is made up of many different types of dogs. The majority of dogs that come to daycare are playful, happy, and friendly. We also welcome shy or nervous dogs, as long as they are able to acclimate to the pack. Every dog is given a chance to adjust to the pack, and our trained staff will be able to determine if your dog will be a happy member of our pack. If your dog begins showing signs that daycare is causing stress or that daycare may not be a good fit for them for various reasons we will begin evaluating the situation and will discuss this with the owner as to the course of action, and potential dismissal. We reserve the right to dismiss any dog at any time for any reason. Ultimately our goal is to ensure all dogs are happy, healthy, and most importantly safe. Please understand that there are risks and benefits associated with group socialization. While the socialization and play is closely and carefully monitored by our trained staff to prevent injury, it is still possible that during the course of normal play your dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from their interactions with other dogs. Owners must understand this is normal and assume all responsibilities for their dog should they receive minor nicks or scratches while at daycare.
Late Fees
Because we value our staffs' time, if they need to wait for an owner because they are late, there will be a $ 5.00 fee for every five minutes after 6PM. Please give us a call if you are running late. As we are not able to board, all dogs must be picked up by 6PM. If we are unable to get in contact with the owner we will be calling their emergency contact. Please ensure your emergency contact is someone that can come and pick up your dog for any reason.
Use the GINGr App with code 900052 for the most convenient way to book Doggy Daycare, pay, and more!
Doggy Daycare
Monday - Friday
Drop off as early as 7:30 am
Pickup before 6:00 pm
Training by appointment only
(989) 884-2907
Doggy Daycare & Training Facility
2577 S US HWY 23 S
Alpena, MI 49707